Pig’s Stomach Soup with White Peppercorns (胡椒豬肚湯)

Pig’s Stomach Soup with White Peppercorns (胡椒豬肚湯)

This soup is rather tedious as you really need to make sure you clean the Pig’s stomach well before cooking it. Else, you will end up with smelly, porky soup.

For all the work, it’s work it. You get a bowl of comforting, peppery soup that warms you up on those chilly, rainy days. Bite into the sliced succulent and juicy pig’s stomach, you get the umami exploding in your mouth. I like to have this with mee sua and it would go very well with steam rice as well. Enjoy!


  • 1 pig stomach
  • 60g white peppercorns
  • 3L water
  • 1 tbsp chicken bouillon powder
  • 1 tbsp salt (or to taste; used for seasoning)
  • A handle of Garlic, leave skin on
  • 500g of Pork Bone or Spare rib pork for soup
  • 200g ginko nuts, peeled (optional)
  • Button mushroom (optional

How to Clean the stomach

  • Use a scissors and cut away the obvious fats around the stomach
  • Rinse the stomach in and out. Invert the pig’s stomach and rinse and cut away any fats. You will notice some yellow part.
  • Flip the organs back to their original form. Pour the vinegar, tapioca Flour and salt over them. Knead it through for 2 minutes. Leave it aside for 15 mins.
  • Boil a pot of water for the Pig stomach and the pork ribs
  • After 15 mins, rinse the stomach again. Rinse off the tapioca flour. Rinse it thoroughly.
  • Put the pig stomach into the pot of boiling water. Remove it in around 1 to 2 mins. Rinse with tap water to cool it and for easy to handle. We would need to remove the yellow part.
  • This we would need to briefly scald it in the hot water for a min. take it out and use a knife to scrape it off. It is easier to scrap the yellow part off when it’s slightly cooked on the surface. Important to remove the yellow part as this gives the soup the weird taste and smell.
  • Once the yellow parts are removed, put the stomach back into the hot water.
  • To save time, put in the pork ribs into the same pot of water. We are just scalding it through to make sure we do not get the scums when we are cooking the soup.
  • Once the Pig stomach is ready, in the hot water for around 5-8mins. Take it out, Cut into half and big pieces. We will slice it to small pieces later on.


  • Bring to boil a pot of water (3L). Add the pork ribs, pig stomach, garlic, white peppercorn in. Cover to boil. Once it is boiling, lower and simmer for 2 hours
  • 1 and half hour into the cooking, take out the pieces of the pig stomach use scissors to cut them into 1.5cm x 3cm (0.6″ x 1.2″) strips, then put them back into the pot. Taste the soup. Add 1 Tbsp Salt and chicken bouillon powder. Adjust to taste.
  • Add the gingko nuts and (optional, button mushrooms). Gingko nuts cook really fast, hence I added it later on. You can leave this out as well if you don’t have gingko nuts.
  • Serve hot.


If you are only serving this the next day, do not add the ginkgo nuts and button mushrooms at the end. Separate the pig stomach and the soup and keep it in the fridge. On the day that you are serving, heat up the soup again. When it’s boiling, add in the gingko nuts and button mushroom. Lastly the pig’s stomach just before serving.

I also like to filter through my soup to remove any scums so that we can a clear soup.

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